Submission Guidelines

Our items submission guidelines are designed to ensure a minimum standard of quality for all items listed on QsThemes. Our guidelines are also intended to communicate expectations with sellers in order to make the submission process as seamless as possible.

Although item approvals reside with the item reviewer, following these guidelines will minimise the chances of your item being rejected.

1.) General
  1. Items must be unique and vary sufficiently enough from other items listed on QsThemes.
  2. Items must maintain a high level of design quality.
  3. Source code and design text must be written in English. “Lorem Ipsum” or dummy text is permitted for paragraph text.
  4. All items must include proper documentation (see section 7).
  5. Items must be suitable for all audiences and free from profanity, nudity and anything that may be considered offensive to others.
  6. Items should be free from spelling and grammatical errors.
  7. if items is based on bootstrap
    • Items must be built using the latest stable version of Bootstrap.
    • Items must be compliant with Bootstrap’s infrastructure, CSS settings, fundamental HTML elements, and use the standard grid system.
    • Items should not implement custom components or JavaScript plugins that duplicate the functionality already included in the Bootstrap framework unless it is not possible to achieve a desired outcome using the standard components or plugins.
    • Items must maintain a high level of design quality and vary sufficiently from the default Bootstrap styling.
  8. Items that aren’t updated regularly or selling sufficiently may be removed from the marketplace.
2.) Coding
  1. Items must use index.html as the filename for the index page. Other pages must use the .html file structure.
  2. Files and directories must be treated as case-sensitive.
  3. Custom styles and scripts must be kept separate from the default Bootstrap assets. For example, when modifying the CSS, leave the bootstrap.min.css file intact and create an external stylesheet.
  4. HTML needs to be validated via the W3C validator. However, browser prefixes and any other cutting edge code will be exempt.
  5. Coding should be tabbed, properly formatted and easy to follow.
  6. JavaScript shouldn’t raise any errors or notices.
  7. IDs and classes must be appropriately named and follow a naming convention.
  8. Coding should follow Bootstrap’s accessibility standards.
  9. Items including custom minified assets must also include the non-minified versions as well.
3.) Design
  1. Logos and branding (text & images) used in the design must match the item name and description.
  2. Items must display properly on popular mobile devices and desktop screen widths. Sellers should test items on as many devices as possible and employ the use of software-based screen simulations if necessary. It is always best to test on the actual device when possible.
  3. Items must be compatible with all major browsers including:
    • Latest FireFox
    • Latest Chrome
    • Latest Internet Explorer 9+
    • Latest Safari
    • Latest Opera
  4. Image file sizes should be reasonable to allow for quick transfer while still maintaining an appropriate level of quality.
  5. Images intended to span the full width of the screen must be at least 1920 pixels wide.
4.) Name, Description & Item’s Featured Image
  1. Item name must be different than other items listed on QsThemes. Use the site’s search function to ensure the item name is unique.
  2. Item name must use the following format: [item name] – [short description]. Examples:
    • Ancholor – Multipurpose Responsive Template
    • Trico – Business & Corporate Theme
  3. Item description must contain a list of all features and pages included in the item.
  4. Item description must contain a link and description of third-party assets used in the item.
  5. Updated items must include a change log in the item description.
  6. Item screenshots are resized to 1200 x 900 pixels and therefore should display properly with these dimensions. Please use clear screenshot of your item(s)- no any additional marketing text or imagery are allowed.
  7. Item screenshots must be up to date with the latest released version of the item.
5.) Live Preview
  1. The live preview link must represent the final destination URL and not use any URL shorteners
  2. The live preview must be exactly the same as the item for sale with the exception of landing pages to access different variations of the item.
  3. Live preview must not contain any advertisements, referral links, and links to other websites or pages that are not related to the live preview. You may include the following:
    • Your website, social media profiles and QsThemes Store link.
    • Attribution links to third-party assets and software used to build the item.
    • Live preview must not contain any ‘buy now’ or ‘more details’ buttons leading back to your own site for purchase.
  4. Live preview must be free of error and load quickly.
6.) Licenses and Attribution
  1. Third-party assets used to build your item must be properly licensed or free for commercial use.
  2. Sufficient information regarding third-party assets must be present in your documentation. This includes the seller, license info and a direct link to the asset online.
7.) Documentation
  1. All items must include documentation or help files to assist-end users especially when customizations are included in the item. This may include, but is not limited to, information on how to add/edit/remove specific elements, create new pages and apply styles to elements.
  2. Documentation must include notes about the use of CSS pre-processors, HTML pre-processors, JavaScript pre-processors and third-party assets if applicable.
  3. Documentation must include a change log for each version if applicable.
8.) Support & Updates
  1. Item sellers should regularly update their item. Items that are not regularly updated may be removed from the marketplace.
  2. Item sellers must provide basic support and ensure any errors with the item are fixed.